Saturday, October 18, 2008

Day Twelve.

I just realized, I'm missing a day. I know EXACTLY who I am going to write about ; so here you go :);

I still remember walking into that math class, every single day. Scared out of my mind, knowing you were going to be there, you were going to talk about me, you were going to make fun of me. and you werre gonig to put your backpack on that chair. I remember, how slowly I'd walk from third period to fourth, you intimdated me beyond belief. I remember how close I was to giving up and in because I couldn't handle YOU!

Stephanie Anne Smith!

Its funny, when talking about steph. We have been from best to worst, in a matter of years. In grade nine, you did the single nicest thing for me, I could ever pin point, and forthat I will ALWAYS be thankful. You asked me to have lunch with you, that September 25th, two days after I had lost my best friend, I couldn't ever repay you for that.

We have had our drama Steph, but honestly, not a day goes by that you don't make me laugh so hard I want to pee my pants, that you don't say something soo stupid, but soo funny, that you don't make me question "why the HELL am I her friend!?!"

We have had our past, and that is undenable, I might not ever forget whats happened, and I might not ever be 100 percent okay with it, but honestly, my day would not be the same without you, and I am so thankful for your friendship

You taught me how to be strong, you really did.
I love you.