Monday, October 13, 2008

Day Seven.

I'm proud of myself, everyday I've done one of these, yay :)

"I can get the candy, I'm going to bulk barn to get candy for my party anyways" I didn't know saying those few words in Science that day in grade eight, would haunt me. Nor did I know it would start one of the most amazing friendships I've ever had.

Emma Hazell
Since that faithful day in grade eight, I've had a best friend. I've had a friend by my side, if literally or not, since that day. I've never been given up on , or not cared for. My life has changed drastically since we met, and I couldn't imagine going back to how it used to be, every single day.

The first time she moved , teared me apart more than anything in this world, it also helped me become the person I am, and deal with things the way I do. In a weird, twisted, way I am thankful I had to go through the experience.

Since then shes moved away again, it was hard this time, but nothing like last time. Her return this time, made our friendship more amazing than anything ever before. We have every class together but ONE this year, and it helps strengthen our friendship on a regular basis.

For the rest of my life, my family is her family, my house is her house, my clothes are her clothes, and my friendship is her friendship.

I love you to death, Emma. Thank-you for all you've done for me, I would be lost without you.


Mia (Emma) Hazell said...

You know that your the most amazing friend I have ahd in my whole entire life. I love your family like they were my own your grandparents treat me better than mine do lol. This has been one heck of a ride of a friendship and I hope it keeps going on and on because I would be lost without my best friend by my side. Falling out wasn't at all a good experience but everytime something has gone wrong and we made up it made us a little stronger each time, no friendship is perfect and every friend has it a little tough but we can make it through it this year and the next and so on. Having the same classes may do some good for us this means one little fight would be hard so we would easily sort it out but hopefully we won't even have to fight. I have done alot of wrongs in our friendship and I'm really truelly sorry for that im just glad I have a best friend who would actually stay friends with me. I love you so much Caitlin Marr your the best. P.S I guess I will borrow some clothes tomorrow since we both get to share them jk:P