Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day Eight.

I was in grade six, I had just started my friendship with a girl, she was trying to convince me to go to youth group - me; church?!?!?! No, way . I didn't believe in God let alone want to persue ANYTHING with him. He hadn't helped me when I needed him, why would I try to be anything remotely close to loving toward him.

Emily Vincent

I was so young, so naive, not willing, nor trying. But, I did go to youth group, and i think that accounts for atleast half the person I am today. I would have to thank Emily for it all, you see. Way back then, we were best of friends. She was my best friend, and we'd have so much fun together. I have many videos to prove that one.

I could be myself, she loved me , even when I was weird - since shes weird tooo! She could respect and even love that, I loved being myself, around someone, it was nice. Me and Emily grew up and grew apart. I did so much bad to her, I'm surprised she'll even look me in the eyes, I could never forgive for what I did, but I hope she has

Getting close to her sister , Rachel; has got us talking again, and 'deep'. I trust her, and I hope and pray, she trusts me too . I know it wouldn't be easy, but I hope me keeping my word in situations we were involved in has help. Our love for her sister, and our caring for her safety has helped us become friends.

Emily, witohut you, I honestly don't know where or what I would be. You helped me in so many times of need. When me and Emma weren't friends and I was so close to letting go and giving up, but I didn't because I had you. You helped me, by talking and comforting me.

You are a huge part of who I am, and why I am "me" . I hope one day you realize how much you've truly helped me in this path we call life. Friends or not, 20 years down the road, I'll remember, you helped me get here.
I love you.


Anonymous said...

awe!caitlin when I was reading this I almost cryed! you are such a sweetheart:)
Caitlin I will always love you, and if you ever need to talk I am always here to talk, no matter what. I would anything for you hun! you shouldn't be suprised I even look into your eyes. we all make mistakes and yes you hurt me, and I hurt you to, but were all sinners, and everyone deserves a second chance and to be forgiven:)

That really means a lot when you say those kind of things about me and say i am a huge part of who you are! because I never thought I impacted your life that much. I was just trying to be a good friend, and be there for you, and act now God would like me to act:)

i love you too
and will always be here for you to talk to someone. never forget that:) xoxo