Monday, May 12, 2008


Today, another boring day in the life of Caitlin. I didn't do much at ALL. I had school, of course, and was supposed to go watch the church baseball team, but the Vincents are no longer going, so neither am I! I didn't have any homework, which is good news , everyday. I think I might go to Quinns lacrosse practise tonight. Depends on if dad is still grumpy, its like walking on egg shells with him today. Anyways. I really didn't have anything to write about,


Our Family! said...

Ummm, girly, I do not think that you have a boring life!! I'm really enjoying catching up on your blog! xoxo


Caits; said...

LOL i'm pretty sure its soo boring :). but thanks!

Our Family! said...

Well, even if YOU think your life is boring, I can assure you, you entertain the heck out of me! LOL!! I love the look of your new layout for your blog. You are so creative! Oh, and thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. You are adorable and I love you!

Amy xoxo

Caits; said...

LOL. Well thank-you Amy! And I loved it, I thought it was so cute :] lol which is why I added it. I check your blog quite often, so expect my random and unneeded comments to be provided. Thank-you Amy, I love you too!
I almost wrote roo LOL.