Thursday, May 22, 2008

The paiiiin.

Days like these, I just wish I could be a boy! Its funny how little boys understand about the pain we endure every 28 days. I suppose everyone isn't as unlucky as me, and doesn't have experiences like these, but when it gets to the point that I am throwing up, I just want to go to sleep and never wake up again. It was so bad today I left school. Just for FIVE days a month, I wish I could be a boy. I wish they could have the chance to endure this awful experience. There is not enough medicine in the world to take these cramps away, trust me I've tried.

Ugh, I'm going to go die now.


Our Family! said...

Oh my gosh, girly! I can feel your pain. God didn't give this to boys because they would never be able to survive it!! LOL!!

I hope you feel better!!

Love you -
Amy xoxo

Anonymous said...

Awww sorry girl! Hope you're feeling better already. Amy's right - boys have a really low threshold for pain.

Caits; said...

Lol . I am doing bettterr now :). And no, they couldn't, they don't even know ...