Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ten things Tuesday

I have missed out these past few weeks, on this, but all that has gone on the past few days has left me feeling I need to reflect!

1. That I only have one real day of school left, and then exams! And then summer.

2. After this flood incident, 99 percent of my stuff did not get ruined and we are all safe. I am very thankful! Clearly someone was watching over us!

3. I had an amazing fathers day with my Vincent family, and my family!

4. I got to spend some time with Rachel and have tons of fun at her birthday party!!!!

5. My parents did not blame me for this whole situation and get angry at me, but allowed me to know it was not my fault, and it is "okay"

6. Summer is JUST around the corner, and I get to relax!!!

7. I leave for camp in very little amount of days. I'm gone in 10 days. Exciting but nevre racking!

8. I've had a good last week of school, and been very successful despite it being the last week, and the stresses of that!

9. I get to reflect on my amazing week!

10. And lastly, that we have insurance!!! All of these things in this house, damage wise, would of been WELL over fourty thousand dollars, and we're lucky enough to have insurance to cover it..

Kimberley and I. We're really close, and shes one of the girls I'm working with at camp! This was us at Rachels birthday party, going for a late night swim. Love you Kimbo.


Our Family! said...

Good for you, Girly, that you were able to reflect on the "good" things in your life right now, when you have had a lot of major stress!!

Love you -
Amy xoxo