Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I am so stressed out, I don't even know how to describe it. I am ready to pull all my hair out, and I think I am prematurely going gray because of this, aha, kidding - but still : I really should be fixing it, not blogging about it but I cannot handle it right now. With School coming to an end, there are ISUs [individual studies unit] which are worth 20 percent of your mark, they make or break you, and are very stressful. But, my English one I did a few weeks ago I got 96 on, which made me happy, as thats clearly only 4 percent away from 100, and I like that. French is hard, the ISU, ohhhh my goodness, we are in a group and have to make up a 20 minute fairy tale, present it, and make a game to go along with it. In a another language, thats not easy. Spanish ISU is coming next week, along with my math one. I have verb projects every other day in french and i've missed a few, we're at 5, and i've done two, so im behind and stresssed there. Tomorrow I have an interview to do c0-op at my old school, and I am scared I will not get that. I don't know how to impress her, and I need this job. In just over 20 days I'm leaving for camp, ahh. Exams are coming up, and I'm too close to failing Math. I don't know when my best friend is moving, and UGH I have a five page english project due tomorrow.
Does ANYONE want to shoot me ? :


Our Family! said...

Hello, Caitlin!! I see that you posted this blog 6-days ago, and no one opted to "shoot" you. I'm so happy about that! LOL!! How did all your exams go, or are they still coming up? Also, how did your interview, for the co-op at your old school, go?? I'm sure you did great. Just think -- school will be over soon and you will get to go to camp.

Love you -
Amy xoxo

Caits; said...

yeah im still here! lmao!!!

exams start next week.
but i got the job for co-op :)

Our Family! said...

Yay, congrats to you for getting the job for co-op!!! I knew you would get it -- you are THAT good!!!

Love you -
Amy xoxo