Sunday, August 31, 2008


I start school tuesday, and I am soo nervous, but so excited at the same time. One of the classes I took this year is soo out of my boundries, and comfort-zone. It is called "SLiC" and it is pretty much the class that deals with all the leadership stuff, and such. I am terrible with big groups of people, and I put myself in this class, don't ask me why. But, it worries me. Another thing that worries me, is I changed all my classes [but my two period co-op] to match Emmas. Good that I will have friends in it - yes. But, bad that if we get in a fight, or stop being friends, I have 6/8 classes with her, thats a tad bit worrysome. I don't know if it was the best move, but also, it will help us not fight because we know that we have to see each other every period this semester, and all afternoon next. My classes are, healthcare, SLiC, spare [ i'm on a waiting list for living spaces ] and spanish -- Second semester. My two period co-op with grade twos at my old school, Spare [i'm on a waiting list for math ... : ] and parenting. The whole spare and waiting list thing sucks too. As you can see I don't even HAVE english this year. Because my English was slotted in the only period spanish was, I had to choose so I chose spanish, so she moved my english to second period but said I had to choose a class to take while I'm on the waiting list. I do not want to do a class for two weeks, and then stop and go into another one - no thanks. So I totally dropped it, and I have to take two englishes next year, and if I don't get MATH this year, I have a math next year. I haven't even started this year . AH. I'm so nervous, after this blog lol.