Monday, August 18, 2008


I feel as if I am not on here enough, nor updating, as I was at one point. Between camp, summer, friends, and babysitting, I am extremely busy and do not have the time I once had, so whenever I do get a moment I prefer to do something else on the computer. I finally have gotten to the point that if I do not update, I am gonig to explode. I am going C-R-A-Z-Y I tell you. Already, I have just sat down and my little cousin is over here bugging me to come on, whats new. LOL. So anyways. Throughout the week, I did not do very much, at all. I just sort of hugn around at home and relaxed, it was very nice. But, friday I went and got my cartiledge pierced, which I do have pictures of, but am too lazy to load (:. I went with a friend, it hurt, and is very annoying, because its all gross and pussy, aren't you glad I told you that. I went to "midnight madness" which is basically downtown Bowmanville stores with many sales. I got up early Saturday to leave for my aunts and since then I have been going CRAAAAAZYYY. LOL No jokeee :. I have been babysitting pretty much 24/7, and have been watching them the whole time. Which I do not mind too much, but -- uhh, a five year old and two seven year olds gets kind of crazy (:. I have not been donig much here, but I better go, I have a little girl who wants the computer, and a little boy who is blowing a whistle :s. so yeah. Better go, the house could be on fire for all I know. I'm done for now. BYE


Our Family! said...

You are so funny, Cait!! Your blogs crack me up sometimes. I hope that the house wasn't on fire and it was just the little cousin blowing the whistle just to blow it! LOL!! I can't believe you got your cartilage pierced -- I've heard it's very painful. I can't wait to see pictures! Love you! xoxo

Caits; said...

It wasn't on fire, thank goodness (:. LOL

i'd be a little dead
i loaded pictures and a video . i know how you love hearing my disgustingg voice.