Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Update on MOI!

I feel like summer has gotten the best of me, and actually having a summer has been amazing. I kind of forgot about blog land, and although I be sure to read Jen, Amy and Jills blog everyday, I have been too lazy to update mine. Soo where to start? On Saturday that just passed I went to wonderland, OH MY GOODNESS, i had a fricken blast. But, I also hasd a little accident... LOLOLOL. Oh my god, I'm ashamed, I drank like 5 drinks and really had to pee .... and.... well I went on an extremely scary ride, and I guess you can fill in the blanks. Yes - I am 16 in 34 days but I still am not potty trained. Thank Goodness for the log rides that get you absolutely soaked, only the people whom I told knew :). Haha, anyways. I got a nice tan and had a great day with my best friends. Sunday - I went to church in the morning, and then to Sams Club, our favourite "deal store" and I got the second sisterhood of the traveling pants book, which REALLY excited me, but I have got to page 100 and cannot get into it, unfortunately. I am still going to try though. And I bought 22 packs of gum. LOL I am writing about such pointless things, but I was soo excited :). Monday all I did was clean my room :( Trust me - it was BAAAAD. But it was nice not getting dressed, not showering [ ewh i know ] and just relaxing. Yesterday, I finished my room,. and then went out with my mom and my old neighbours. We went to the kitchen store, wooooowww excitement, aha, and my Mom showed me just what my 15,900 dollar new kitchen was going to be like, I love it . I am soo excited. We went back over to our old neighbours and had a good time. We went to Quinns soccer which got rained out, because of the lightening, watched big brother and went to bed :). And today was by far the best day. We went out with our old neighbours - AGAIN [we love them , sometimes ;)] Jill, Alley, Brooke, Mom and I, went to see the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie [which i loved FAR more than the book ] and then walmart, where I got some jeans, and pj shorts, and fudge mmmmm. And then we all went out to east sides for dinner.
There is an update you're going to never care about.
--Cait ♥


Our Family! said...

Well, I certainly cared about it, girly!! I'm so happy to finally read an update. I love reading your blogs and had been missing them. Love you!

Amy xoxo