Monday, September 1, 2008

Summer '08

As summer of two thousand and eight , draws to an end, I'm filled with sadness. Sadness, I simply cannot explain - this surely was NOT the best summer of my life, by any means. It was filled with fights, drama, and a lot of work. I spent too much of this summer doing nothing, and far too much working. I regret going to camp, as it was a lot of drama, tears, fights, and stupid stuff, and was three weeks of my summer. But then I look back, and think wow. I wouldn't be as close with Kimberley as I am, or cherish Rachel as much as I do BECAUSE of what we went through. I wouldn't of met AMAZING friends, or learned half as much as I did about working. I have FINALLY, after nearly a week, come to a conclusion about my feelings with Emma being here. I am happy to have her back. We hung out a bit this week, but I made sure I also hugn out with Rachel. I want everyone to know that nothing is going to change, but if anything I am just going to be happier. Me and Emma have had a lot of fun this past week, and I look forward to this coming school year with her. Yes, I am TERRIFIED she will move once again, but I know I just have to take it day by day, and not try to look too far into the future, as I am just scaring myself about stuff I don't know. I need to go and shower, and do my hair, and then go to bed. Tomorrow is my first day of grade 11, its kind of a big day and 6:50 comes way earlier than I'm used to. Not to mention I have to babysit til 12:30 or 1 am tomorrow. ugh. R.I.P Summer 2008. I'll post pictures of my last day of summer when I get time this week. I have school, then babysitting, then wednesday, school and homework, thursday getting everything ready for my party, friday my party, and etcetcetcetc.