Sunday, November 9, 2008

when you don't know what else to do,

what do you do?

I am at a loss for words, wondering what I am supposed to do. You lied to me so many times, I am so hurt. I am not perfect, I realize this, of course I do - but what do I do after being lied to time after time. I know I'm worth more than putting up with it - but I love you so much. I'm in a bad position.

I remember you finding out I drank the times I did, oh do I ever. You were so mad at me, you made me feel so bad. I promised I wouldn't ever do it again, and I haven't. Did I accidently have a sip of my moms drink on Thanksgiving? Yes. But that hardly counts. It was coke, I didn't realize there was Whiskey in it. Anyways, at one point. I would of put my life in your hands - now, I can't trust you anymore. I really can't. You had a boyfriend jus over a month ago, you lied to me about it. Because you didn't trust I wouldn't tell. When I found out, I was mad and I still have the long email saved you saying you'd never lie to me again...

That was less than a month ago ..

Now what - you're now drinking, and have another boyfriend. When I asked you if you were dating him, yuo said no. I don't care what you lied to me about, But you've lied to me SO much I just don't know what to do.

I'm mad, sad, and disappointed. I think its in your best interest to stay away from me for a little while, because I don't want to see your face...