Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day Twenty Seven.

I know I have wrote in a while, a long while. I've been in London, and I'm sure that will get it's own blog on its own, but for now, I'll just write about a person who inspired me beyond belief while IN London..

Scott Greenberg

While In London, I was inspired by many motivational speakers, many people provided me with tools and tips to change my life - Scotts message managed to change my life, beyond changed my life.

Scott is an motivational speaker, with a passion for speaking beyond anything and it is proven during his messages. I wish I could tell you how amazing he is, and how much he's changed me, but words don't do him justice, they really don't.

Hes gone through so much, from cancer, to his fiance leaving him, but hes so happy and he is able to help others change their own lives

Scott, I hope to meet you one day, down the road. And try to explain my graditute, because it is very much there. I appreciated your message, and I'm working on getting rid of my "sandbags"