Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm home.

for good. And you all have alot to catch up on. At the moment I have no pictures because Rachel took the majority of them, and she has not posted them, so I will post them when I get a chance. I was not home much today, I got home, slept, showered, and now I am babysitting, the kids are asleep so they said I could go on the computer. I am totally, fully , exhausted, but I have got to stay awake until like 1 am, and its only nine. I guess thats what a month of camp does to you. I am sure I will sleep in real late. ANYWAYS, back to something you MIGHT just care about. Camp is offically done. I am so happy to be "home" for good, but I will miss the people that work there, I met some really good friends. Caroline, Christine, Marie, Luise, Amy, Sam, Ala, Anja, Matt, Nathan and everyone else, made it all really amazing for me, and I will truly miss you all. There was so much drama in that kitchen though - to the point we almost got fired this past thursday. We were given a choice to stay or leave and all chose to stay considering we had made so many friends and realized gooodbye would be hard enough without rushing it. Plus we only had days left. I met a woman, named "Cosmo" and seriously, I would not of survived those weeks without her. Cosmo is older than us, but she cared about us like a grandma would, encouraging us, and constantly telling us she loves us, she is really amazing, and I don't know what I would of done without her. I can't wait to post all the pictures I have from Rachel, there are so many with all our friends, well mainly "Krova" because we spent alot of time with her, we also went on a canoe ride friday. Oh man,that was so much fun, we went through the bull rushes or whatever, and got stuck on a HUUGE log and almost put a hole in the canoe. I miss Marie already and I do not know what I will do without her.
AND to make matters better, I get home and me and Nick are talking, and we confess we like each other, even though he knew I liked him, and next tthing i know we're dating ! . We are going to the movies tomorrow, and then going swimming if the weather co-operates. I'm estatic. I am going to go sleep, I'm really tired. I know Im babysitting but they said I could sleep if I wanted to, and normally would not, but I cannnot control this tiredness any longer.


Our Family! said...

What wonderful memories from camp! I love that you went. I never went to camp as a child. You will love looking back over this blog! I'm so happy that you are home!

Love you -