Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day Twenty.

This lady, means the world to me. I met her on my Baptism when I was ten years old. Six short years later, she is my aunt, and I don't know where I would be without her, her humor, her love, her fun.

Susan Walmsley

My Aunt Susan; Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love and care about my Aunt Susan. Respect is the definition of our relationship. She has not only made my uncle one happy man, she has made me happy. I remember when me and Meaghan [ her daughter ] were really good friends, and I'd go to her house all the time. I had so much fun,and made memories that they won't ever let me forget. I was a needy kid, what can I say.

My Aunt Susan, has shown so much love to me, I don't know what to with it. I always know if I need a laugh, like Grandpa, I can go to her. She is hilarious, and can think of something funny to say instantly.

She is amazing, seriously. I don't have words for my Aunt Susan, she is gorgeous, and funny, and nice, and the most loving mother I have ever met. Her daughter has many things wrong with her, and my aunt has always been there by her side, at the hospital at all hours, she is amazing.

I don't knw what I'd have done without you all these years Aunt Susan, I love you so much.