Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day twenty three.

I probably love you more than anyone in this world. I know, I don't show it often. You're the easiest way to get my emotions out, and I know you'll always forgive me.

Quinn Marr

My Baby brother, I could go on for days about you. From day one, the day you were born, you were my best friend. I won't ever forget that day Quinn Stuart. That day my little brother came into this world, I was so happy. I was going to be a big sister, and the best big sister on the face of the planet .. or so I thought.

That day, I was given a huge job, bigger than any other job I've had yet to recieve, and I've failed terribly. I know , I'm a terrible big sister. It kills me, Quinn - I wish I could be a good big sister, your best friend, and someone you look up to. I'm working on it, bud. I really am.

You see, I'd be lost if Mommy or Daddy died. But, I think you'd be the hardest to lose. You've always been my buddy. When no one is around and neither of us have anything to do, it's just you and me, and Quinn, I would be lost withut you.

Since the day you were born, I've always loved you like nothing else on this planet. You are my little brother, and if anyone wants to hurt you, they have to get past me. No one steals my job, only I can beat you up:)

I am jealous of you, Quinn. I am extremely jealous. You are such a cutie, and always have girls. I wish I got some of those looks , ahah. You've always stolen from me, and you didn't stop there.

Quinn, I love you with my entire heart, entire life. I hope you realize that. You mean everything to me little brother, and I don't want to imagine a day without you. It's YOU that I missed the most this summer at camp..