Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day Five!

I'm going to take a different path on today, because last night, someone really helped me when I was 'down', so this is for you :)

The doorbell rang, and I remember running to my room and hiding. Emma was here, and I knew who was at the door, I could see her. I knew I was going to get in trouble, I knew she was here to defend her daughter. My Mom had no idea what was about to come, all I could do was hide. I slightly opened my door, so I could hear what they were talking about - afterall it involved me - right?

I heard the conversation go something like her teling my mom what I had said to her daughter on facebook, the awful words I relayed to her, saying it because I was mad. Things I would never want said to me, yet I said them to others.

That night, I never expected this woman would mean as much as she does to me now. I never thought I would look up to her as I do, see her as a motherly figure as I do.

Sue Vincent,

I remember going through the hardest part of my life last year, many people got me out of the rutt I was far jammed into, but honestly, without her I would still be there, she is the main person I have to thank for that. I remember her bringing the bible over to my house that one night, I remember looking at her and thinking, that book will not get me out of the depression, the pills, the alcohol, and the rutt. I remember her sitting there telling me she loved me and thought of me as a daughter, and cared for me as one. I remember wantign to work hard to get out of it, not only for me, but for the lovely support team I had in all five of the vincents.

Sue, I don't know where I would be or what I would do without you, I am so glad you are in my life and I love you.

p.s each of the vincents have helped me differently, and each of them will get their blog one day- even toria :]