Thursday, August 27, 2009

I am happy.

I knew that the time would come that I would happily post on here, and here it is.

So I mentioned a few blogs ago about how things had changed with Carron & I; & Nana Frankie and I. Here it goes..

Carron MacLeod,

Carron was only my youth leader and Sunday school teacher when I posted that blog in early October. She was part of my church family - but that was it. Since then a lot has changed, a lot! Carron stepped up when everything failed at church and she became everything to us. Honestly, anyone who has had the privilege to meet Carron, should be eternally grateful - because no matter what happens, she is there. I have a friend, a sister in christ, a second mother, and a lifelong teacher. I love her ! :]


Nana Frankie,
I met her in June .. the rest is history.. I love her. I am so glad I have her in my life. :]

i cant write anymore :s i used to be decent at it
now i'm a tool.